It is a red letter day for achieving a significant milestone but more accurate to say Vida Abundante’s land fund is “in the black”. Incredibly generous donations and hard work of local church members filled the remaining gap in funds for the second large land payment of 125,000 pesos (~ $10,000 USD) due today, September 1st.
It has been a humbling experience to be a part of an effort where donors have carefully thought through their gift and shared what it means to them personally. Kristin Bowen, a frequent visitor and mission volunteer, wrote this reflection: “To see God work … knowing He is building our faith and preparing us for something we don’t even know is coming. That He used us to help grow Vida Abundante. To see that God is providing for their needs … in the most amazing … awesome way … I’m blown away.”
Pastors Salomon and Mariela, as well as church members, extend their deep appreciation to ALL of the donors who contributed resources for the first two land payments: Alex & Mildred Alicea, Christopher & Anne Bean, Tim & Kay Bjorkman, Kristin & Bill Bowen, Denny & Heather Gepford, Paula Hastreiter, Mary Jo Heins, Byron & Ilene Kendrick, Margie Kirk, Wanna Kniss, April Koss DiPasquale, Mike & Hettie Legg, Pastora Noami Noble, Larry & Karen Pedersen, Micki Pelkey, Jeremy & Jennifer Pulley, Bill & Marge Stimson, and Bernita Weber. So many others have also contributed resources and sweat equity to enhancing the church land and facilities. Watch for updates and photos coming soon.The next challenge? Gathering funds for the final large land payment of 78,000 pesos (~$6, 240 USD) due 12/31/14. Church members continue to donate ingredients, to make and sell empanadas, panuchos and salbutes at the plaza twice a month to earn $ for the monthly payments of 3,000 pesos (~$240 USD). Families are also trying to save money to fulfill their pledges to contribute to land payments even though it is now “low” season when employment is scarce. Click here to view the financial summary and find out how you can help. ~ Karen in Cozumel.