Thanks so very much for your interest in supporting efforts for Cozumel families in need, especially women and children. We are very grateful for in-kind and cash contributions of any size . . . your $$$ donations can go a long way in helping a specific family or supporting a project or organization with community-wide impact. We typically meet with local leaders quarterly to identify their highest priority needs and we maintain a list of needs for specific families.
It is our privilege as Friends of Cozumel volunteers to partner with you to receive your donation and ensure every dollar (or peso) is invested according to YOUR intentions. If you are interested, please follow this steps:
1. Decide what effort(s) you would like to support.
If you are unsure, read through other sections of this website for more information about specific mission efforts on the list below or simply select “Cozumel Greatest Need”.
2. Decide how you prefer to donate.
3. Tell us if you would like special follow-up of your donation
We’re glad to provide an informal electronic update, share photos or scanned copies of receipts. Donors who provide US tax deductible donations via Nacogdoches Community Church will receive written acknowledgement for their tax records.
Decide how your donation is to be used from the list below.
Write your selection on the memo line of your check. If you are using your bank’s online bill pay service we would ask that you send an email to confirm how your donation is to be used. This email should be addressed to
Children, Families and Volunteers in General
- Cozumel Greatest Need (We’ll determine how to invest your donation based on current list of needs)
- Cozumel Children with Disabilities (Therapy equipment, Casita Corazon, activities with children)
- Cozumel Families in Need (Despensas/food supplies; specific health needs; home improvements)
- Cozumel _________ Family (Specify sponsorship of which family . . . Jose’s, Raquel’s, Miriam’s or others)
- Cozumel Volunteers/Leader Dev. (Supplies to support volunteer efforts; leadership development for local leaders)
- Cozumel Clean Water for families (Supplies to build a home water purification system)
Community Projects and Organizations
- Cozumel Scholarship Fund (High School, College, Career training, Adult literacy classes, English classes)
- Cozumel School Project (Purchase of supplies or shoes needed for children)
- Cozumel Training for Women (Sewing skills classes, Home/facility repairs to learn to use tools, other topics)
- Cozumel Bible Blessings (Purchase and distribution of Spanish Bibles to various churches & mission efforts)
- Cozumel Youth Ministries (Supplies for year-round youth ministry programs, Bible School, special events)
- Cozumel Vida Abundante General (Specific needs for this church to support music & worship; men’s & women’s ministries)
- Cozumel Vida Abundante Building Fund (Construction of a permanent worship center)
- Cozumel Vida Abundante Pastors (Stipend for pastors’ family, cell phone credit, transportation)
Friends of Cozumel is an informal network of volunteers and donors. We are not set up as a formal tax deductible organization in the US or Mexico.
How can we help you guys this next few weeks? I have some donations for your bazaar, but are able to come and assist where needed. Let us know.
I am Tonya Wiley I have volenteered with National family and children services for over 9 years. I am very intrested in summer mission volenter work. Please contact me as soon as possible. 678-663-0722.
Thank you
Many Blessings
During our visit earlier this year my wife and I visited a School for the deaf a few blocks up from Mc Donalds.
My wife, being the daughter of severely disabled parents, both deaf and unable to speak was impressed ,as I was with the efforts of the instructors.
We will be returning again during 2012 and wondered if we could bring or possibly purchase in Cozumel some supplies they could use.
Carol has used sign language all her life, communicating with friends and family, and has taken ASL courses enabeling her to represent individuals as an interpreter in hospital and legal situationsl.
Karen, I’m working at getting some local teachers to put together a box of school supplies to send to you. I need an address to send it to or we’ll bring it with us when we come in Feb.
I sent you an note yesterday saying we’d be interested in volunteering during some days in Feb. We’ll get there on Feb. 3. We are retired teachers and would love to work with some of the students on their English skills.
We will be staying at the Playa Azula and we have a car. Please contact me again if you already did. It will probably go to my spam and I didn’t check today before I deleted them.
Thank you ever so much.
Pat and Merlin Kardin
Wisconsin, USA
Hi Karen,
Sandy Ham has got me excited about helping your cause. I will be at the party in October.
In the meantime I have been talking to my parents and they would like to help out. They live in Arkansas. My step-mom is going to approach her church groups for monetary donations. She was wondering is you still needed walkers. She goes to auctions constantly and she finds them and no one usually wants them. Most are hardly used so I wanted to know if used was acceptable. Also they are coming in February and they are wondering how to transport.
Thanks for your help and your group is doing wonderful things. I am looking forward to meeting and all the other “Angels.”