To view photo story of Friends of Cozumel Feb. 2010 Mission Trip click here
Highlights of Mission Project Work Oct. 23 – Nov. 1, 2009
Mission Projects and Activities:
- Designed and constructed adaptive equipment for therapy and personal care of children with severe disabilities (1 chair, 2 bathing centers, 2 activity stands; donated 2 folding bed trays, pillows)
- Visited CAM School; donated white canes and sports equipment for visually impaired students, crafts supplies and lumber for teen skills workshops; identified future mission projects with school staff
- Distributed donated clothing/shoes to 18 children with disabilities, their siblings + 8 caregivers
- Packaged emergency food supplies for 13 families
- Visited youth ministry and 2 family church services
- Discussed Christian outreach and Bible Blessings Project with pastors
- Toured drug rehabilitation facility
- Attended NUAFA job skills training for women sewing class and free hair cut clinic
- Hosted Fiesta for 20+ NUAFA daycare children ages 1-4
- Selected/donated Christmas outfits for 26 NUAFA children of families with limited resources
- Met with Eloisa Buenfil re: NUAFA’s future plans, needs and donations
- Reviewed plans with builder/donor for community center (potential new facility for NUAFA)
- Enjoyed food and fellowship with other volunteers; Relaxed on sunset cruise
Special thanks to Mission Volunteers and Donors: April DiPasquale, Ray & Sandy Ham, Byron & Ilene Kendrick, Larry & Karen Pedersen.
Our appreciation to supporters of the Mission Project Work: Carrie’s Heart partnered with us to fund the cost of materials for adaptive equipment constructed for children with disabilities, provided physical therapist’s recommendations, and transportation to deliver completed projects to families. Doug & Terry Knipe, owners of Villa Diamond K, subsidized lodging for mission volunteers to support this community service effort.