Projects and Donations Stacked to the Ceiling … July 23, 2012

Donations of gently used or affordable new clothing are stacked to the ceiling until the next Gran Bazar.

Our schedule reflects the needs of the community. So much to do, so little time—and so little storage space. We’ve been blessed with loyal donors who save their gently used children’s shoes or send a monetary contribution for much needed school supplies. This year we’re confident of reaching our goal to send 150 children to school who otherwise would not be able to afford the required supplies. But until we get donations sorted and distributed, finding storage solutions in a hot and humid climate is a challenge.

Ilene sorts donations for the Gran Bazar to be held Aug. 2.

No worries, though. The volunteers have arrived and are preparing for the activities that will put these materials into the hands of grateful families in need. A Gran Bazar is scheduled for August 2 where we’ll make both used and reasonably priced new clothes and shoes available. In neighborhoods far from the tourist zone, crowds of people show up. They are so appreciative of what we bring. And the few pesos they proudly use for purchases are then put back into purchases for supplies to keep other Friends of Cozumel projects going.

Toys in storage await a new home. What will children of Cozumel think of the snowman?

So keep those donations coming. I spotted a few inches of space near the ceiling that would hold a backpack of school supplies just perfectly. –Phyllis


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