Another Month of School for Most Coz Kids & Teachers–June 9, 2011

Students and teachers in the US and Canada are now enjoying their summer vacation. However, most children here in the equivalent of elementary or middle school still have another month to count down before public schools are out for the summer.

The school year begins in late August and stretches through the first week in July due to extended school breaks throughout the year. For example, students only attended school for half of April because the last two weeks were spring break around Easter holiday. Schools were in session about half of the month of May due to the local Cedral festival and other holidays.

Parents here seem to take all the non-school days in stride by making arrangements with relatives to take care of their children. Older children are expected to care for younger children in the family. Employers often allow and expect that parents need to adjust their work schedules or leave work for a short period of time to accomodate children’s needs . . . it is a way of life.

Providing Scholarships for Students in August for 2011-2012

The Cozumel Chrysalis Group confirmed this week that 20+ children from families with limited resources recommended by Friends of Cozumel will receive “becas” in August for next school year. Becas are scholarships that will be given to these students in the form tickets they will be able to take to designated local merchants to receive one school uniform and a pair of school shoes required to attend public school. One school uniform (shirt with skirt or pants) and required black shoes cost ~ $35-45 USD so it is a HUGE help for families, especially those with more than one school age child.

THANKS to so many wonderful donors, we’re still on track to meet or exceed our School Supplies Project goal of providing backpacks with supplies for 125 children in August.

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