This year, 500 sets of school supplies and shoes were taken by little hands of all kinds to prepare Cozumel’s children for their education. Generous donations also made it possible to provide scholarships for some students pursuing higher education.
This year started with an orientation volunteers. It was my third time with the team, and I was greeted as a friend over some distinctly mid-western hors d’oeuvres. Larry quieted everyone and summarized accomplishments from last year. His wife, Karen, noted the current demands and went over the week’s agenda.
Apart from the main event of distributing school supplies, several other charitable activities and worship services were held during the week; a pool party for children with autism, oceanfront worship and a shopping for food to feed needy families. At the end of the week, everyone is exhausted, but this group always happily pursues more opportunities to fill their time with charitable fellowship.
Over the weekend–from Friday until Saturday–families arrived at the DIF park to receive their children’s school supplies. The first day was full of grateful smiles on both sides as kids were fitted with shoes, backpacks and the learning materials required by their schools. It was almost unbelievable that every family had been served without the volunteers breaking a sweat–metaphorically speaking.
There was plenty of literal sweating, as always in the Cozumel summer, but the weather doesn’t discourage anyone. There were complaints, but the smiles betrayed everyone’s shared satisfaction. Our joy multiplied thanks to the donations, preparations and time offered by the Friends of Cozumel.
This year a U.S. mom whose young daughter passed away recently due to cancer cut hearts out of her daughter’s clothes and sewed them to the backpacks that she donated. We told the story to as many of the recipients as we could. Our hearts were warmed with the thought of these little hearts going to and from school in Cozumel.
We are once again blessed to be a part of the group and look forward to another year of watching the Friends of Cozumel transform lives.
Gracias ~ Almendra from Cozumel