Handy Women Unite—Tuesday, Feb. 5

Nine local women attended a workshop to learn home repair skills.

The women were in charge.
Laura repaired the toilet so that it flushes now. Sandy showed how to make a shelf, level it and attach it to a concrete wall. Jodi showed how to install a doorknob. Shirley worked on a dripping faucet. Sara translated.
Nine women attended a home repair class held by Friends of Cozumel women volunteers on Tuesday.
“From my perspective, we wanted to give a bit of empowerment to women so that they would know how to do some things on their own to improve their homes,” said volunteer Shirley.

Creating a shelf was easy once they had the knowledge and tools needed.

“They were pretty wild about working with the electric drill. It was really cute.”
The nine local women were also given a packet of donated hand tools—screwdrivers, wrenches, hammer, channel locks, pliers and a tape measure.
“They seemed to really enjoy it,” said local volunteer Sandy. “Pastor Mariela said her faucet had been leaking forever and she was going right home to fix it. And Maria was going home to put up a shelf. We know we’ve succeeded if they ask for more workshops—and they certainly did.” ~ Phyllis from Nebraska.

Any way you look at it, being able to repair a toilet is a valued skill.

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