Today we prepared a list of materials that we will need to build the high chair and bathing centers. Armed with our list, we visited the local lumberyard, where every board is custom cut from larger timbers. (It’s not like visiting your local Home Depot) They have stacks and stacks of large, rough cut lumber. Once they have a list of what you need, they begin planing, smoothing and cutting all the pieces to length and deliver them to your home. Then, it was off to the hardware store to purchase the necessary PVC pipe and fittings for the bathing centers. We spent the next two hours beginning with our projects before we had to quit for other scheduled activities.
In the afternoon, the training workshop for women “Las Talleres – Belleza” which is beautician training was holding a free haircut clinic. This gives the students an opportunity to practice their hair styling techniques while providing local neighbors with free haircuts.
In the evening, we attended two services with Pastors Jose and Mariela with their Vida Abundante mission. At 4:30 there was a children’s service, complete with lots of music, singing and an enactment of the Cain and Able story using the puppets that the SAIL group brought down one year ago. It was great to see the focus of the children while listening to the story and then referencing the children’s bibles that the SAIL group purchased for them this year.
At 7:00 pm, there was the worship service with a great sermon by Pastor Jose that lasted about one hour. Pastor Jose spoke about the many temptations we all face and that we must let our faith guide our decisions. The path to freedom is there but it’s up to us to make the choice and walk the right path. It was a great way to end our day.