Do you want to help with our school supply program but are not traveling here anytime soon or you don’t have space in your luggage?   Here are three ways that you can help.


  1. You can receive a year-end statement for tax deductions by mailing your check to a church that passes 100% of the money to Friends of Cozumel.  Make the check payable to “Nacogdoches Community Church” and note the purpose (i.e. “School Supplies”) in the memo line.   Then mail the check to:

2. If you want to donate without the ability to deduct it on your taxes,make the check payable to “Friends of Cozumel” and note the purpose (i.e. “School Supplies”) in the memo line.  Mail it directly to our U.S. address.


If you are not traveling to Cozumel or don’t want to pack it in your luggage, you can order through your Amazon account by using   You can ship to one of their drop off sites that include Donasusa stores, Estafeta and DHL Express.  When you receive notice from Amazon the product was delivered, forward us that notice plus the QR code for us to pick it up in Cozumel.

Steps to add a drop-off location in Cozumel to your account’s address book

  1.  Go to
  2. Enter “Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico” in the search box
  • From the list of locations we recommend either location #2 (Estafeta) or location #5 (Donasusa nueva Cozumel 1).

Now that this is in your address book, you can purchase on the site and notify us regarding delivery.

If you have questions about this information please contact Larry Pedersen PEDERSENLL@HOTMAIL.COM / 01-515-249-9241

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