1. 826 students (kinder – university) received school supplies
- 20% are special needs students with various disabilities
- 627 received backpacks with supplies for their school grade/year
- 199 received packets of basic supplies
- All students are from families “in need” known by one or more of our local community leaders. These families have been screened and pre-identified for their financial situation, “special needs”, health complications in the family, etc. It is not a program open to the public. Families with students who receive backpacks and school supplies must complete an inscription process showing their grades in school or proof of school attendance.
- 2 changes in student profiles over the years: 1) # of females vs. males attending prepa (high school) is now 65% female/35% male; and 2) Increase in # university students is 60+ this year.

The significant growth in 2022/23 was due to our collaboration with Chrysalis of Cozumel
2. Community Outreach . . . Other non-profit organizations’ families benefitted
- CAM primaria (elementary) and secundaria (middle school) students (150 total). CAM Schools are dedicated to education to students with various special needs
- Centro de Autismo and CRIM (rehabilitation therapy) selected students
- Circle of Friends 12 families
- Mujeres Guerreras (Women Warriors – mothers of severely impacted children with disabilities – their siblings)
- Ranchito Project
3. 57 adults received free reading eyeglasses
4. 40 volunteers participated (38% local citizens)