It is high “tourist” season here and visitors are giving generously to the community. Cozumel expects 35 cruise ships this week. Full flights with families on spring break arrive daily.
A growing trend is adults of all ages coming to the island for longer stays of 2 or 3 weeks to 4+ months during the winter to enjoy tropical weather and volunteer their time. Friends of Cozumel hosts Volunteer Thursdays, a 2-3 hour commitment a couple of times monthly.

A special shout out of THANKS for these recent wonderful donations . . .
- 6 backpacks of various donations from Volunteer Christian Builders delivered by cruisers Richard/Brenda Crosby and Friesen family
- 35+ backpacks filled with school supplies donated by Cozumel Barhop visitors
- ~300 backpacks donated by Bob/Linda Choura; delivered by Debi/Randy Bartkoski; Richard/Christine Underwood; Jerry/Ann Peters and Don/Ava Quinn
- 39 backpacks, color pencils, scientific calculators, brought by Larry/Karen Pedersen
- 50 scientific calculators by Tracey Kirsling-Hendricks & John Hendrickson
- 3 bags of reader eyeglasses from David Ritchie
- $ ongoing donation from Jamie/Doug Brown