Water systems that purify tap or well water to be safe for drinking continue to be a popular with local families. Recently we were able to deliver water systems to 14 families who have children in the CAM Primaria School. CAM Primaria serves elementary-age students with special needs. These families incur a lot of expenses caring for their children so not having to purchase purified water is a great financial savings and health benefit.
This week, we are receiving 40 more filters brought down by visitors. Our goal for the first two weeks in May is to make an 25 additional systems (13 more for CAM Primaria families; 10 other families that are on a waiting list; 2 extra)
We are very fortunate that the majority of items are available to be purchased locally. The filters are the only component that we bring in from the United States. Donors have already provided funds to purchase them. We only need people able to bring them to us. A package of 10 filters fills half of a rollerboard and weighs approximately 10 pounds. If you are interested in helping us out by bringing in some filters, contact Larry Pedersen at PEDERSENLL@HOTMAIL.COM or (515) 249-9241.