Friends of Cozumel is focused on helping the most vulnerable families with basic needs of food and medicine. Highest priorities include:
• Seniors who don’t have family to support them
• Single parents out of work
• Persons with serious health conditions who need medication or specific foods to boost their immune system
• Families with special needs/disabilities
• Babies in need of formula, diapers, etc.
Elsa was all dressed up and eagerly waiting to receive despensas at her home. She and her husband are in their 70’s. They do not have a pension, regular income or family to help them. Their only source of money comes from walking the streets and picking up bottles/cans to recycle and receive a few pesos each day. Staying at home means they cannot be self-sufficient.
Mama Cristina and 5 year-old daughter, Evelyn, appeared at our gate over the weekend to ask for help because they had no food. Cristina is deaf and mute. Children are not supposed to be away from home but Evelyn came to communicate on behalf of her family of five. They received despensas and a gift card to use at Chedraui grocery store. Victor, Cristina’s husband, lost his job as a waiter when restaurants closed. Later that day we received a phone message from Victor explaining he was very grateful for help and he didn’t come because he was embarrassed to ask for help (again).
During the two weeks March 22 – April 4 Friends of Cozumel helped 37 families (98 people) with food, medicine and/or temporary work to earn money. Thanks to many donors who are making these efforts possible.
There has also been some great news – This week the government began distributing boxes of food despensas to families in their homes using a grid approach street by street. It is unknown if there will be enough resources for everyone on the island but we are encouraged as we see live news coverage and read messages from families we know personally. We may be able to suspend providing food for a while and will begin again as needed.
Thanks again for your support and stay tuned as we report on conditions in the community.
Great work by you all. Wish I could be there to help. Stay safe.