A phenomenon fondly known as The Volunteer Vortex is occurring in Cozumel once again. Twenty-some volunteers arriving from Texas, North Carolina, Nebraska, Delaware, Maryland and Switzerland will work with resident volunteers for Friends of Cozumel’s 2016 winter mission work. They’ll also join other visiting groups such as the World Wide Christian Scuba Divers Organization during the week of community service projects. But, as things often do in this humid environment, the week of planned activities has swollen just a bit, giving 12 days of opportunity for involvement.
The mission work focus includes faith-based projects as well as efforts towards sustainability: up-cycling and sewing workshops as well as a workshop in water purification systems that families can make and a Gran Bazar.
While some volunteers have been in planning mode for several weeks, others recently set to work gathering supplies and scavenging the community recycling center for items that could be re-purposed. We’ve learned that everything from fabric and plastic items to wood and broken mirrors can have multiple uses. Nothing is discarded until it is literally used up.
We’d love to hear your ideas and feedback on our work. Follow our activities here and on Facebook as the projects unfold. ~ Phyllis from Nebraska