Sunday, March 1, 2015
If the long line to check out, purchasers’ smiles or volunteers’ exhaustion is any measure, the Gran Bazar held by Friends of Cozumel was one of the most successful sales they’ve held.
The bazar was held yesterday at the open-air Vida Abundante Church. An array of both new and used clothing, shoes and household items were sold at low prices to give families in need the opportunity to find affordable purchases. The items sold are all donations gathered locally as well as from the U.S. and Canada—bringing brands and styles the shoppers wouldn’t otherwise be able to buy.
Ilene, a volunteer from Texas, says she’s not someone who normally likes to shop, but she can’t resist finding bargains to bring to Cozumel.
“It’s hard for me to pass up a discount store where I hit the shoe aisle, searching for the $3 to $5 athletic shoes,” she said. “Next I search the backpacks, looking for those $2 markdowns and last I hit the clearance clothes looking for the $1 items. It’s always an incredible blessing for me when I see a family carefully choose one of the items I’ve purchased and brought down.”
Ilene also has an almost endless supply of gently used children’s clothing to contribute to the FOC Gran Bazars since she has lot of grandchildren.
“At the bazar I saw many of these items going to new homes. It really touched my heart to see a family who might only have $20 pesos (less than $1.50 U.S.), choose several of the items for their family. They shop very carefully to make what little they have go a long way.”
If you’d like to contribute to this effort, we’d love to hear from you at There are three ways to help:
- make a financial contribution
- donate items on the priority wish lists
- offer to transport donations in your luggage when coming to Cozumel
Thanks for taking time to follow our activities. We appreciate your support. ~ Phyllis from Nebraska.