Today, twenty-eight (28) members of the Worldwide Christian Scuba Divers Organization (WCSDO) have arrived in Cozumel to begin an eight day mission trip of underwater exploration and spreading messages of hope to the locals.
The Worldwide Christian Scuba Divers Organization (WCSDO) is a diverse group of divers who explore the underwater kingdom while bringing aid, relief, and hope through their mission work. As is customary on mission trips WCSDO members will provide free reading glasses to those in need. In addition, Vida Abundante Church has been selected as the benefit church to receive much needed assistance with plumbing repairs, renovations and other projects and ministries our organization can assist with. We’ve also received numerous donations of school supplies which will greatly aid our distribution this coming July/August.
We’ve been busily outlining the projects, purchasing materials and sorting out the needed tools so they can accomplish all the work that they hope to do. Watch for updates in the week ahead!
For the official press release click here