Becky and Mike recently got involved as Friends of Cozumel volunteers through their friends Diane and Roger Hoy. The four were sherpas during a cruise stop on the island last December, transporting 4 backpacks stuffed to the gills with donations they had gathered and purchased.
Now Becky has put her sewing skills to use to make some wonderful zippered bags to be used as pencil cases for our FOC’s school supply project. Not just one or two bags, but FIFTY NINE of them, in a variety of beautiful fabrics.
If that weren’t impressive enough, Becky also makes children’s underwear. She has donated two dozen pairs of girls undies in a pretty, but durable knit fabric. They’re quite stretchy and she says they should fit ages 4-10. She’s been making underwear for years (for all of her own children growing up) and has the process down pat. She also donated 5 pairs of slightly used athletic shoes which will also help our school supply project.
Both the Hoys and Gomezes are interested in the Feb. 2012 mission trip and asked us to save them a spot. There are lots of skills in this foursome–so we’ll be thinking how we could put them to work. Hoys also donated lots of hotel-sized personal care items as well as some clothing, bags, shoes and school supplies in the past year.
Thanks to all of these folks, especially Becky, for her hard work on behalf of Friends of Cozumel. — pl