Two Cultures, Two Languages Celebrating Faith . . . Jan. 23, 2012

Women of Vida Abundante, a local congregation here on the island led by Pastor Mariela Cruz Laynez, celebrated Christ’s love with 17 members of SAIL on Friday, January 20. SAIL is a bible study cruise group of women from various states in the US.

Differences in culture, language or religious affiliation do not hinder the celebration of incredible faith among these women! Pastor Mariela shared an inspirational message about the role and strength of women. She highlighted Vida Abundante’s key challenge for 2012 . . . to acquire land to construct a worship center over time. A number of SAIL participants and others have donated funds to match contributions from families in the congregation to make the first of two payments for the land.

Highlights of the joint celebration included a liturgical dance performance by the team of young women pictured in the front row of the photo, communion referred to here as “Santa Cena”, prayer and SAIL singing “Bind us together Lord, Bind us together; O bind us together with love . . .” What an uplifting experience!

SAIL’s day-long visit to Cozumel also included hosting a fiesta with daycare children at NUAFA, a tour of KaoKao Chocolates, and lunch at Cameron Dorado where the owners thanked SAIL for their mission efforts to benefit Cozumel children and families. SAIL works hand in hand with Friends of Cozumel volunteers. Our projects focus on quality childcare and children with disabilities; famlies in need, education/learning opportunities, and ministry. Our goal is to help families and organizations become self-sufficient.

SAIL’s visit is a GREAT lead-in to 2012 mission efforts. Mission volunteers begin arriving on the island tomorrow to prepare for our Friends of Cozumel sponsored Mission Week February 1-8.

One thought on “Two Cultures, Two Languages Celebrating Faith . . . Jan. 23, 2012

  1. Jane Donahue

    What a beautiful time spent with all these ladies of faith. Even though we could not communicate we knew what was in each other’s heart. God bless Pastor Mariela and her congregation.

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