Symbols Are Everywhere for Mission Volunteers—Fri., Feb 26, 2010

One person can make a difference, but together we can create almost anything.

"God gave man work, not to burden him, but to bless him, and useful work, willingly, cheerfully, effectively done, has always been the finest expression of the human spirit."--Walter Courtenay

Each day has begun with a devotional meeting to set the tone for our work. Today was no different. But this morning’s message was filled with symbolism that lasted throughout the day. Each time I powered up the camera to snap a photo for the blog, I saw things that seemed to have a greater meaning. Today’s story will be told in pictures.—Phyllis

"Problems are only opportunities in work clothes."--Henry Kaiser

Measurement of life should be proportioned rather to the intensity of the experience than to its actual length.--Thomas Hardy

"Measurement of life should be proportioned rather to the intensity of the experience than to its actual length." --Thomas Hardy

"It isn't our position, but our disposition, that makes us happy."--anonymous

"Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them. They make the impossible happen."--Dr. Robert Jarvik

"Each of us makes his own weather, determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits." --Fulton Sheen

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