It Takes a Village to Create a Bazar – Mon. August 1, 2016

BazarCrowdAfter our five days of school supply distribution were completed, we turned our attention to holding the Gran Bazar. This is a large outdoor sale, similar to what we might call a garage sale in the U.S. It allows us to give families access to very affordable items while generating funding for FOC efforts such as scholarships and the school supply project.


Pastora Mariela of Vida Abundate chuch where the sale was held, gives instructions to shoppers and volunteers.

Pastora Mariela of Vida Abundate chuch where the sale was held, gives instructions to shoppers and volunteers.

The bazar was scheduled for just three hours, but it takes hundreds of hours of preparation. Donations gathered throughout the previous months, were sorted and individually priced by volunteers. The goods ranged from gently used clothing, shoes and household items, to new items that are often purchased at clearance sales and given to Friends of Cozumel.


Families lined up nearly an hour in advance of the bazar, ignoring the blazing sun. Once the gates opened, people streamed in, hurrying to grab the items they needed most. More than 350 attended this bazar, many using 20-peso coupons (about $1.15 US) received during the school supply distribution.

Antonia found footwear for the many children in her household.

Antonia found footwear for the many children in her household.


Here’s just a taste of what a Gran Bazar is like. MOV05143


Thanks to all the donors and volunteers who helped make this a very successful event. It takes a village. ~ Phyllis from Nebraska

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